Sunday, May 9, 2010

I've Got Two Ticket's To Doughnut-ville...

Oh I am the mayor of Donutville proper. Did I mention this before? I forgot to tell you, but its the sad truth. I was elected by a landslide after the 6th consecutive week of buying at least two doughnuts a week. I am in full carb retreat, trying to rally my election team and execute them all. Why oh why am I still here?
Haven't gained any weight, but I haven't lost any either. It seems I'm working to keep from losing. Anyone else feel me on the self-sabotage thing?


  1. As I eat my single-serving Ben and Jerry's peanut brittle ice cream, I soooooooo feel you on the self-sabotage thing. In same boat--not gaining, not losing. So frustrating. With spring comes renewed vigor and commitment?? love you...

  2. Must be going around...been stuck in park on the weight loss thang for about 4+ weeks now.
    Here's what I think about that:
    A. We aren't gaining. YAY US!
    B. Our bodies are adjusting to where they are now, so we should not lose faith. This is NOT the end and we can and will press on. Plateaus are normal. Furthermore, how cool is it that you can eat doughnuts, ice cream and oh - I dunno...half a jar of dry roasted peanuts in one sitting and NOT gain weight.
    Two doughnuts is NOT an entire dozen, single serving B&J is NOT an entire pint - so that in and of itself is a major success in my book, and how fan-fucking-tastic is that??
    So let's not think of it as self-sabotage, just an adjustment period for our tremendously smart bods and new found portion controlability - whadeeya say?
