Monday, March 29, 2010

Wall Squats, I Hate Thee

So, my chiropractor is rocking my carpal tunnel right out of my body. Progress is slow, but undeniable. Now that I am past the "relief" phase of my treatment, we are working on strenghtening my core so that I can hold my adjustment. This means that a tiny, beautiful Iraqi woman makes me do hateful, hateful exercises in a hot back room, for 45 minutes every day.


She 'bout killed me today. But in a good way. In the best way, I guess. We did a circuit of maybe 30 different exercises, some of which involved exercise balls, some of which involved exercise bands, some of which involved tilting my pelvis while doing crunches while holding an 8 lb. medicine ball between my raised knees. Um, ow. I'm working muscles I didn't know I had.

We go full tilt with the personal training aspect in two weeks, and I am very much afraid, and very much looking forward to it. Numb hand. Big love, all.

Oh, and my diet has been straight shit lately. I GOTTA get that in check. Actually, today was really good, but it's the first really good day in a few weeks. Hellooooooo stress eating. Pass the white cheddar popcorn, thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Popcorn's actually a good snack for you, in my book :) Sounds hellish/heavenly Suz. Wish I could say I had a personal trainer. I am struggling to get my butt out for a walk every day. Bad. But I love you, good.
