Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Fake it 'til you make it.

I took a yoga class tonight, this is the second time I've taken this class, and I really should just make it a priority every Wednesday night. The instructor is awesome and always has a nice thought to stick in our brains before we begin. Think Jack Handy's Deep Thoughts - same amount of humor minus the oddity. Although tonight's thought began with a little oddness. Adrienne began by saying she, for a brief moment, actually considered botox. Not exactly what you expect to come tumbling out a yogi's mouth before an ohm.

She went on to say that you typically act the way you feel, but the converse is also true. You can act a certain way and eventually, with perseverance, it can become how you feel (this was from some PBS special she saw so I s'pose that gives it a measure of credibility). She continued by saying that people who've had botox tend to be happier as it is more difficult for them to frown post botulism shot. Thus, her fleeting thought.

Essentially, the idea is there is truth to faking it until you make it. At least according to the PBS eggheads - and I gotta say I'm willing to give credence to the creators of Antiques Roadshow, 'cause I dig junk from an old trunk.

That idea did get me thinking that this could be an important piece to the losing weight puzzle. As I was moving through some of the yoga positions I noticed there was a lot more of me in the way, impeding what I deemed as a successful pose. I tried thinking that I was the right shape and size for that pose and poof - I relaxed and was able at the very least to sink deeper into whatever pose I was trying to achieve.

So I say it's experiment time. Let's try for a week to say/think to ourselves that we are getting thinner/losing weight all the time. We are doing it...Right. This. Second. I wonder if we'll lose more weight, or at least have an easier time with some of the daily challenges.

I'm going to give it a try.

1 comment:

  1. Get out of my head! I came here to post a slightly cheesy anecdote about how I have come to be a believer in the power of visualization. Fake it til you make it is the damn truth...and your anecdote was way better than mine was gonna be. I'm allllll over it.
