Sunday, February 28, 2010

More Weekend, Please...

I am feeling kinda crabby and blue today. I don't know why, because I've had a perfectly nice weekend of Friday night crafts/bonfire, and a Saturday night show of Hurry for the Riff Raff, a folksy-blues duo out of New Orleans. I really can't hone in on what it is that made me eat an entire bag of Oreos between yesterday and today, when I have a rich and fun social life and a stable job and nice place to live and lots of fun collaborations going on in different directions. It looks good on paper. So why is it that I feel sad enough to stuff cookies into my gut? Or eat three portions of (relatively healthy, homemade) chili? I shouldn't even be able to hold that much.

I was asking myself that question--why am I sad?--and what I kept coming back to was the earthquakes in Chile and Haiti, and the temporary tsunami warning for my friends in Hawaii, and the the giant icebergs colliding in the Arctic (because they're melting, and junk?) and the multi-layered stories of fuckery, from all sides, in the Middle East, and the next rounds of banks slated to go under on our current financial roller coaster.

It's almost too much to handle, being aware of the world and capable of drawing the most likely conclusions to the whole, dire mess.

Plus, I'm pretty sure I have carpal tunnel in my left hand.

Oreo's taste better than exercise. Anybody got a cure for that?


  1. I don't know, but I ate half of an angel food cake yesterday, so I feel your pain.

  2. Oreos will ALWAYS taste better than exercise, it is a law of the universe. Just ride your blue wave darlin,' it'll eventually hit the shore and disappear. And then you'll be left with sunshine, - and... sand in your pants? Sorry that analogy kinda got away from me there.

    As far as the state of the world, well that's probably why they started making those damn oreos in the first place. I'm sure some gal at Nabisco said to herself "Fuck WWII let's make some creamy white shit that tastes crazy good and is impossible for the scientific community to dissect and therefore steal our secret recipe. Take THAT Hitler."
    Yeah, um...kinda scraping the bottom of the motivational barrel today.
    How about this one - what you eat is not who you are and you are awesome and lovely no matter what kind of relationship you have with cookies.
