Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Hooch Thorn

Aside from my one evening with Ben & Jerry's, I've had a relatively easy time giving up sugar in the food. Alcohol is really proving to be a lot more difficult, which is surprising me because, hand over my heart, I'm not a big drinker. Or maybe what I'm realizing is that while I don't drink often, when I do drink, I drink. If I have one margarita, I will likely have three. Drinking is so much fun in social settings, and while I'm never the girl making as ass of herself by crying or throwing up on the street, I will catch a buzz.

Take last night, for instance. I got off of a long day's work of painting, and went straight to the only regularly scheduled family event I attend every month; my 12-year old brother's Boys Book Club. At the end of the night, the kids hadn't really talked about their book (Chris Farley movie on in the media room) and most of the women that stayed past 9 left with a swing in their steps. It took me a few times to catch onto the fact that these Book Club meetings were a way to get the boys engaged in reading, while giving the adults a chance to socialize (12 to 20 adults, depending). The adults are great, the kids are great, the food is always great, and there's always wine. Or margaritas. No one ever gets sloppy, but people have fun. But really, Suzy, a light breakfast/lunch/2 margaritas before dinner/margarita dessert/tequila night cap? That wasn't really necessary.

I feel it today, in not so much that I'm hungover, because I'm not, but in that I took in a lot of sugar and not enough water. Why is everything sugary the tastiest, most fun to eat, while being the worst and most addicting and damaging ingredient? Grrrrr. Seriously, where's my anti-sugar addiciton pill? Get it on, science.

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