Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Holiday Nail in My Fat Coffin

Gah. Friggin' cookies. They're everywhere. I baked a bunch to give away, and give away I have, but there are still so many floating about, waiting for delivery...and quietly calling my name from room to room. After the holidays, I'm off sugar again. Period. That's the key to my weight loss, I have found, and how conveniently I have ignored that for the last year. The real kicker is the sugar in alcohol. Man, I really like white wine. I don't drink frequently, but when I drink, I throw dooowwwwwwn. This has to stop.

I had an awesome time at two holiday parties last night, but I ate too much, and drank more than I probably should have. I didn't get drunk, but I still had six drinks over the evening...and then another three this afternoon, sitting around a fire bowl in what will soon be My Backyard.

I'm not even gonna attempt to chart what I ate yesterday and today. It will depress me too much. But tomorrow is another day...and another Xmas party.

I really can't wait for the holidays to pass. Back to the pool. Off the sugar. On the Thin Train.

love you all.


  1. Dude - I am so there with you. Ben has bet me a hundred bucks I can't go two months without eating after 8, starting January 2.
    WE CAN DO THIS. I will commit to bitching up one side and down the other about no sugar and no night snacks starting on that day - how about it?

  2. In. Feels easy right now...have come down with a stomach bug, and haven't eaten one scrap of food today. It's easy not to crave things when you have to breathe through your mouth in order to avoid smelling antyhing, and therefore getting nauseous. January 2nd it is.

  3. I am so sorry you are sick - that stinks. But I'll be real honest, sometimes I wish i would get sick enough to get a jump start on some weight loss - how twisted is that?!
    Really trying to work with the whole full disclosure thing - I feel like the more I get my fears and whacked out ideas out in the open hopefully the easier this whole mess will be.

    Hope you're feeling better today.

    Jan 2. Game on.

  4. yes ladies. january 2. the uno dos. hopefully, i'll have my treadmill by then!

  5. uno dos, uno dos. back in the pool on uno dos. off of the sugar on uno dos. feelin' like a crazy on uno dos.

    i feel better tonight. ate chili as a testament to my betterness. we'll see if it holds. (fingers crossed)

  6. oh, and sometimes i wish i would get a mysterious tape worm that would eat up the food for me. how gross is THAT?
