Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Well, I was proud of myself. I gained 1.5 pounds over the holidays and my blood sugar didn't spike like crazy so I felt a sense of accomplishment. Yesterday I decided that I was going cold turkey on sugar for two weeks. No desserts no matter how small, to break my sugar readdiction from christmas cookies. I did well all day long. Breakfast: egg whites and a piece of friendship bread (ok technically this has sugar..dangit), Lunch: carrot sticks....and a cheeseburger, Dinner: Tilapia and red quinoa pilaf...and an amaretto sour (with sugar free sour mix). Technically, not sugar free either. Good good so far good(denial is not just a river...). For desert, sugar free vanilla pudding and 1 dove sugar free chocolate. Then 8pm hit. The cookies on the counter turned on me. One lemon drop cookie turned into another almond cookie, a tiny sliver of peanut brittle, a frosted sugar cookie, and last but certainly not least, a piece of cranberry torte. That is officially a sugar binge. Dang IT! All of the months of hard work to break that addiction, down the tubes. And now I'm up 2.5 pounds.
Today is a new day, and I'm starting over. That is all.


  1. What I want to know is, with all the medical advances happening, why can't someone give me a shot to cure me of my sugar addiction? They can do it for heroin addicts in Europe. Isn't it kind of the same? Slowly killing us?

  2. Tis a marathon my blogger sister-in-arms, not a sprint. Shoot for one day with no sugar, then another after that, and so on. The thought of never, even for two weeks, sometimes makes me shoot myself in the foot right out of the gate. Easy for me to say from the sugary side of the fence - but I'm thinking baby steps is the way to go for all of us.
    Way to pick yourself up and dust yourself off.

    Suzy - AGREED. What up America?
