Thought you'd like some whats and wheres that got me to where I am, you know...fat.
For starters, I've had two babies - so there's some residual leftovers there. Namely dark chocolate raisinettes. And since the birth of my second son, Noah George I've had a new entity in my life that's about the size and shape of some major post-partum depression. Apparently, over 700,000 women suffer from PPD a year, but I sure as hell don't know where any of those ladies are, and perhaps they don't eat their feelings like I do, so that's why I'm not bumping into any of them in my pantry. All this to say I think being overweight can be a pretty droopy (in more ways than one) and lonely place to call home. And that's kind of where I am.
I am 226 pounds. Yes sirree. I have no current photos of myself and don't own a scale because I used to have one and I would weigh myself obsessively, BUT(T) I will go get one and have my hubster take a nice photo of me for the effort because I am nothing if not a team player. I also have a serious honesty streak that can sometimes lean toward the self deprecating, but I am hoping being a part of this journey with you all will help me try and keep it light and chuckly as I head towards a shiny new bod, or a more polished version of this old saggy model I've got to rattle around in here.
What I ate today:
Well I started out GREAT.
Weight Control Oatmeal: 160 calories
Soy Milk in Coffee: 45 calories
Thin friend over with superior air and much thinner body who brought candy canes - all downhill from there.
I mean really. We're talking three year old tantrums=where's the chocolate chip banana bread. THE WHOLE LOAF. It was just a mini one though. My only concession.
The day has been capped with a small bowl of cocoa krispies which actually only have 120 calories in one serving and I did manage to only have one serving. A small victory.
But there's always the fact that tomorrow is another day and tomorrow, I go running. Last night, I ran three point two miles without stopping to walk and that's the third time I've done it, which makes me feel like a soft rock star - somewhere on the odd culty Steve Perry level.
Tomorrow we do speed workouts, I'll be doing my first one.
Quick backstory: I started running about three months ago, because if I was gonna jiggle I was gonna at least jiggle with purpose. I found a 12-week Beginning Runners Program through the local track club which was designed to train you to run a 5k in three months. Our goal was the Turkey Trot 5k on Thanksgiving Day. There was even a t-shirt design contest which I actually won - so it was safe to say I was a total joiner.
After the 5k, I wanted to keep up all the work I had done so I joined a group that runs Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays every week, year round. Jackpot. I had achieved Accountability Nirvana. So now I am a part of the runners group that calls themselves the Carrier Park Runners or CPR for short - clearly they have a sense of humor, and those are my kind of people.
Tomorrow is my first 'speed run' - I'll let you know how it goes. The idea of my name, speed and running together in a sentence is just bonkers and cool at the same time. It's bool.
OMG. the phrase 'speed run' makes me want to sit down and rest. god speed, bets! go get 'em, lady!