Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Your Word of the Day: 'Bool'

So hello to you all. I am logging in and hitching my big behind to the Thin Train. Pleased to meet you.
Thought you'd like some whats and wheres that got me to where I am, you know...fat.

For starters, I've had two babies - so there's some residual leftovers there. Namely dark chocolate raisinettes. And since the birth of my second son, Noah George I've had a new entity in my life that's about the size and shape of some major post-partum depression. Apparently, over 700,000 women suffer from PPD a year, but I sure as hell don't know where any of those ladies are, and perhaps they don't eat their feelings like I do, so that's why I'm not bumping into any of them in my pantry. All this to say I think being overweight can be a pretty droopy (in more ways than one) and lonely place to call home. And that's kind of where I am.

I am 226 pounds. Yes sirree. I have no current photos of myself and don't own a scale because I used to have one and I would weigh myself obsessively, BUT(T) I will go get one and have my hubster take a nice photo of me for the effort because I am nothing if not a team player. I also have a serious honesty streak that can sometimes lean toward the self deprecating, but I am hoping being a part of this journey with you all will help me try and keep it light and chuckly as I head towards a shiny new bod, or a more polished version of this old saggy model I've got to rattle around in here.

What I ate today:
Well I started out GREAT.
Weight Control Oatmeal: 160 calories
Soy Milk in Coffee: 45 calories

Thin friend over with superior air and much thinner body who brought candy canes - all downhill from there.

I mean really. We're talking three year old tantrums=where's the chocolate chip banana bread. THE WHOLE LOAF. It was just a mini one though. My only concession.
The day has been capped with a small bowl of cocoa krispies which actually only have 120 calories in one serving and I did manage to only have one serving. A small victory.

But there's always the fact that tomorrow is another day and tomorrow, I go running. Last night, I ran three point two miles without stopping to walk and that's the third time I've done it, which makes me feel like a soft rock star - somewhere on the odd culty Steve Perry level.
Tomorrow we do speed workouts, I'll be doing my first one.

Quick backstory: I started running about three months ago, because if I was gonna jiggle I was gonna at least jiggle with purpose. I found a 12-week Beginning Runners Program through the local track club which was designed to train you to run a 5k in three months. Our goal was the Turkey Trot 5k on Thanksgiving Day. There was even a t-shirt design contest which I actually won - so it was safe to say I was a total joiner.

After the 5k, I wanted to keep up all the work I had done so I joined a group that runs Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays every week, year round. Jackpot. I had achieved Accountability Nirvana. So now I am a part of the runners group that calls themselves the Carrier Park Runners or CPR for short - clearly they have a sense of humor, and those are my kind of people.

Tomorrow is my first 'speed run' - I'll let you know how it goes. The idea of my name, speed and running together in a sentence is just bonkers and cool at the same time. It's bool.

1 comment:

  1. OMG. the phrase 'speed run' makes me want to sit down and rest. god speed, bets! go get 'em, lady!
