Friday, January 29, 2010

Big Snow, Bigger Meltdown

It's snowing like gangbusters, and I know we won't be going anywhere for at least the rest of the weekend, unless we get some freaky ass midnight heat wave. Add to that, the fact that I have been cooped up in this house for the last three days with a croupy three-year old on steroids, and a sick infant.

Then there are the groceries. Ben went to the store because we honestly needed some things for the baby, and the Chicken Little fever may have gotten to him a bit.

Okay, so I asked for the popcorn and the hot cocoa -but it is snowing and we do have a a little man to consider here. You can't play in the snow without having hot cocoa afterwards right? I mean that's just cruel, inhumane and probably illegal in most states. And popcorn is like 1 point for a shit ton, so I figure I'm good.
What I didn't bargain for was the deluxe mixed nuts and beer and red wine. And the pudding and chocolate frosted pop tarts and chocolate covered sweet and salty granola bars. Not a ton of my go to foods, but I have been stuck in this house since Tuesday night and everything that's not a part of the plan is starting to look pret-ty good right about now.

I feel a meltdown coming on. My willpower is wavering and I've already made a decent sized hole in the mixed nuts. I have logged all my points like the dutiful joiner that I am, and I have 18 leeway points left to last me the weekend. I hope I make it...but I gotta say it doesn't look good.

I am seriously afraid that I'll roll up to my Weight Watchers meeting on Monday and discover I have gained all 11 pounds back in one weekend...that's not possible is it?


  1. I'm sure it's possible, but it aint gonna happen to you. Those choco-covered Pop Tarts are satan's fingernails, and you don't reeeeealllllly want them, do you? Stay warm...take care...resist!!!

  2. Well, I cracked. Had the pop tart, and fully dug it. But the semi-good news is that they are Fiber One pop tarts and were only 3 points each - much better than I was expecting. I only have 5 of my overflow points left for the week, but I've decided that cabin fever is tough and I'm not a cyborg and I should probably ease up on myself a little bit.
    Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was this ass of mine.
    Time to try, try again.

  3. Ooooh Fiber One tarts...hey, that aint so bad. Are you still snowbound?? How's the croup?
