Monday, January 11, 2010

I Cracked

I totally had two glasses of white wine tonight, fireside, with my friend Emily who is preparing to move to Hawaii and leave me in charge of her darling home, her two funny little kitties, and her GIANT St. Bernard.

I did, however, pass over the ice cream and homemade apple pie earlier in the day.

I'm trying not to feel too guilty about the wine, but part of me feels like I caved too soon. The other part of me says, you're a friggin adult. So have a glass of wine every now and then...just not every day.

Hmph. Tomorrow is another day.


  1. don't stress too much...i had some booze this weekend. a few beers and 2 glasses of wine. but aside from the sugar and yeast in those, i skipped all sugar.

    but sadly, i didn't loose any weight last week. crap, i gotta tighten up.

  2. With WW I'm supposed to eat 29 points worth of food a day... now it's 28 since I've lost weight - regardless - last Wednesday I ate 53 points. FIVE next to a THREE. Serious crackage.
    We do get 35 extra points a week to use however we want to and hells yeah I used them all in one fell swoop I like to call peanut butter - but I think that's why WW probably works for so many people - they are honestly trying to teach people new habits while still realizing you are human, despite all the kitchy rhetoric and bumper sticker double speak.
    Part of me thinks its almost fun to sit in a room full of people and talk 'points' like we have some secret 'fat language.' It's been weirdly helpful.
    So yeah I'm sure we'll all crack a little from time to time - doesn't mean we've failed as long as we pick up, pull up our knee socks and march on - preferably while sporting some swanky lipstick.
